Talking, reading and broadcasting

Another week of introducing Blessed Assurance to a waiting world. My second Dorking launch attracted 60 people who made an appreciative audience, and a participative one when the Q&A session started. This was followed by a smaller group in the bar of the Phoenix Arts Club in London. Smaller but no less engaged, and a high proportion of books signed and sold.
The weekend saw me taking a break in order to play sax with one of the latest iterations of the Greensand band before returning to the writing life. I’ve been planning the dramatic version we’ll be performing as dinner theatre at The White Horse in Dorking on October 10th. Planning the extracts, working out which music to play, talking to potential attendees.
And then I spent an hour in Weybridge being interviewed by Patricia Jones for Brooklands Radio. Another enjoyable experience and one which involved talking about good summer reads. She had a range of suggestions which included Barbara Kingsolver, Victoria Hislop and David Nicholls. I was able to add Anne Patchett (‘Bel Canto’ – hostages and freedom fighters, relationships and tension), Dov Alfon (‘A Long Night In Paris’ – a classy thriller) and Andrew Miller (‘Now we shall be entirely free’ – a historical exploration of the horrors and aftermath of war, and a romance).
This week’s score of reviews is 3, all 5*, and the next outing is at Leatherhead’s Book Potato on 17th August, at noon. In the meantime, it’s back to preparing the October show, and looking to finish the play I’m halfway through.
Great pictures – and interesting words of course!