God’s Own Country
Obviously I’m talking about Yorkshire, more specifically the Yorkshire Dales. I’ve just walked the Dales Way from Ilkley to Bowness, a beautiful walk up Wharfedale and Langstrothdale, over to Dentdale and on to the Lake District via Sedbergh and the Crook of Lune. Quite apart from the breathtaking scenery and the companionship, it was a reminder that the world does not come to an end when we stop fretting about it. All we did each day was eat, walk, talk, joke, eat, drink, sleep. Mobile reception was patchy, as was GPS, and a good thing too. The company was great and we met a range of interesting people, won a pub quiz, were entertained by the campiest restauranteur in the Ridings, witnessed a business drama, and were present at an impromptu jam session. Work cannot compete.
new born lambs
Sounds idyllic Tony! Hope the weather was kind. If we could guarantee decent Summer weather, we'd never need to go anywhere but the UK. We've got fabulous diverse scenery: pretty villages, rugged moors, dramatic coastline, stately homes, gothic churches, and a cultural and historical heritage second to none. And yes, it sure beats working!
The forecast was dire most days but it never happened – just a couple of showers and a bit of hail. For the most part it was great. And since we got home, it's rained – result!