Typesetting, and a world of music

Another busy week as we inch closer to publication. The latest stage in the process has been the typesetting. Another task I’m glad not to have to do myself, although I did have to check it through and approve. Fortunately, not much needed changing and we’re now onto the next stage – full print jacket design and ebook files.
In the meantime I’ve been getting out the invitations to my local launches (London will follow) and discussing the content of the evening. I’m pleased to say that initial responses have been very positive and the exercise has thrown up opportunities to catch up with people I haven’t spoken with for a while.
Other activities this week have included updating the Facebook page and trying, so far without success, to get my Instagram account to link to Facebook. A minor tribulation but the frustrations always seem to be on line ones. On the other hand, the benefits of the web have been apparent as I have been sourcing poems from around the world to form part of the programmes of the latest concert from Brockham Choral Society. An interesting process, with potential poems from a mix that includes Betjeman, Belloc, Heaney and Basho, not to mention Dorothy Parker and Maya Angelou. Some rousing, some moving, some funny, I don’t know how many will make the final cut but they should complement the choir’s programme nicely and make for a good evening.