The thrill of making progress

Exciting times. The cover for my novel has now been agreed – as shown above – and it’s starting to feel real. I’ve booked the rooms for launch events, applied for temporary licenses so people can enjoy a glass of wine while I waffle on, and made a number of other small steps towards the day in June when Blessed Assurance will be available for purchase, in both physical and digital form.
The thrill of making progress is not something which the country as a whole seems to be experiencing at the moment, though next week could produce some surprises. I’m looking forward to being surprised – on the up side. What would my characters make of the current shenanigans ?
Tom, I suspect would be one of the 6m signing up to revoke article 50. He’d feel cheated out of the benefits of union by a campaign based on lies, racism, and the flouting of electoral law. Pete would be more inclined to want Brexit on almost any terms, simply because there was a vote. Liza would see it as a distraction, Anne would want a compromise. A soft Brexit. And Jonny? He’d be conscious of his privileged background, embarrassed by the behaviour of others from similar backgrounds and want the whole thing settled sensibly, collegially, and soon. Debates between them would be lively.
Speculation aside, the time when these characters meet their public is approaching fast, probably faster than a solution to the national dilemma, and I’m looking forward to it,