The return of Little Brother

Some years back I wrote a one act play exploring sibling relationships, family secrets, and the tensions and bonds between two particular sisters and a brother. It was performed a few times at festivals and went down well. Now, it’s back, in a new Zoom friendly version, as part of Mole Valley Arts Alive – or Arts E-Live as it is this year. It’s on Wednesday 14th October, details below.

Ian is staying with sister Diana while his marriage crumbles around him. Will she help or hinder? Is he ready to be helped? Will big sister Anne complicate things further? And what is it that caused the three of them to retreat into alcohol and obsessive behaviour? Secrets and misunderstandings are revealed with humour and tenderness in this tightly observed study of sibling relationships.

Damn Cheek continue to tease and stretch the boundaries of ‘online theatre’ in this, their eighth Zoom adventure, and are delighted to be partnering with Arts E-Live in presenting this exploration of family relationships. This is the third of my plays Damn Cheek have featured in our Zoom series.

Email to book your free zoom seat! 

Tony Earnshaw

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