Santa Claus

Some Christmas thoughts – I hope you all have a good one.
Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus.
I have my reasons
Made my choice.
There are fairy stories I can’t believe.
At least St Nicolas had good gifts to give.
I don’t hold the old man’s truth lightly
but others believe things much less likely.
That Brexit works.
That Boris can be trusted.
That agreements made can be thrown away
and our word relied on another day.
I could go on.
So no apologies from me.
If that’s the way things have to be
and people believe the things they say
I’ll choose a better myth to cling to.
An unlikely old man driving a sleigh,
riding through the skies above,
carrying gifts and signs of love.
Don’t look now
He’s on his way
C A Earnshaw 1/12/21