Blessed Assurance


Blessed Assurance is now available direct from Tony at a cost of £8.99 for a hard copy, with just £1 for p&p, or £7.99 for the ebook. If you live close enough to Dorking to collect the paperback a free local collection option is available.

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Four friends. Two marriages. One underlying struggle. The conflict between principles and behaviour.

Tom, Pete, Anne and Liza share their stories and we see the influence of family and place as they move from Yorkshire and Sussex, via the suburbs, to the North Downs.

Tom and Pete share a faith and a calling but have very different takes on what that means, leading to misunderstanding and conflict. And their relationships with Anne and Liza are not always straightforward.

Puzzled by the importance of faith to the men, Anne and Liza find different ways of dealing with it. Tom looks for understanding outside the church, helped by Jonny Nower, former head of Nower Asset Management, now looking for a new role. Is this the answer? A spirituality outside organised religion?

This moving exploration of the lives and loves of four engaging characters wrestles with the important question of whether there is a role for faith in today’s society – and if not, what will replace it?

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Paperback, Virtual