Pied pipers
I had the pleasure of attending a show by years 3 and 4 of my granddaughter’s school today. The show was the Pied Piper, the production was fun, the children thoroughly enjoyed it and so did the audience. Not a tough audience but they deserved the applause. From the lad who always got left behind to the sleazy commanding officer of the rats, with music to suit, it was a very enjoyable hour. And my granddaughter was exceptional. Obviously.
What struck me though, given the times we’re living in, was the relevance of the story. We had careless voters, broken promises, venal politicians and children marching blithely to their doom. Not a cliff edge but a chasm opening in the mountains. In this version of the story there was a chance to repent and rescue the situation. Will we have the same luxury I wonder.
What also struck me were the messages being taught through the production. Caring for the environment, respecting each other, keeping promises. And, as with all these productions, the importance of team work. I’m already looking forward to the next one.