Magic moments

Some moments are special. Like the one where you turn a corner and are confronted by Rhododendrons in bloom, or are surrounded by butterflies while walking the dog. Both happened to me this week. Some Adonis Blues too. But the moment that really felt special was when I first held a copy of Blessed Assurance in my hands. Now it was real. All that work, the writing and rewriting, the editing and typesetting, the design and blurb writing had all paid off. And did I mention the rewrites?
Now I have a physical book, and an e book, available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes and the rest. And in book shops soon. Launch planning is well under way, I’m on various forms of social media and numerous people have ordered on line ( the Amazon link is . Launch attendees and those I see from day to day can get one direct from me and that’s preferable). Now I just have to hope for some decent reviews and sales – and can get on with the next writing project as well.
Launch events will be in North Holmwood on the 19th June and 17th July and in London (the Phoenix Arts Club) on the 18th July. There will also be an event at Book Potato in Leatherhead in July and an evening in October as part of Arts Alive. Anyone who hasn’t had details of these events, and wants to come along, just let me know. In the meantime I’m just going to have a look at my book.