Looking forward – the planning conundrum

Photo courtesy of Yale Richmond; Creative Commons

Spontaneous demonstrations

A feature of some of the totalitarian societies which sprang up in the 20th century was the spontaneous demonstration in support of the leader, the party or the government. We were asked to believe that large numbers of people suddenly took into their heads to meet up in a public square and show their enthusiasm for whatever autocrat was currently making their lives a misery. Something of the sort is no doubt happening in North Korea today.

Of course, there was nothing spontaneous about this. All was careful choreographed, participants were chosen and instructed, and what was being demonstrated was naked power rather than enthusiasm on the part of the demonstrators. There are, no doubt, some examples of spontaneous demonstrations; usually small scale and localised. The local enquiry in which tempers become heated perhaps, or the knee jerk reaction to some immediate injustice. But for the most part, demonstrations, however genuine and heartfelt, take a lot of organising.

Festivals and Fringes

It’s much the same in the arts world. Pop up shows, jazz cafes, Proms in the Park, even Glastonbury; they all look like they’ve just sprung up. We all know they haven’t. Months of planning, booking, marketing, fundraising are behind every event. Anyone involved in these events knows the planning and preparation soaks up more time than the creativity. And since creatives tend to be less interested in the planning than the creativity, it’s a miracle any of these events happen at all. But they do, and they give us something positive to focus on in a world where positivity can be in short supply.

Today’s jobs

My mind is on the subject because I’m trying to focus on organisational stuff, plans, funds, accounts, venues. What I actually want to do is write, play the sax, be creative. So this week’s blog is a cri de coeur (and that’s a challenge to type with auto correct on) – stop the admin and let me write! the ‘cry’ is falling on deaf ears so that’s all for this week. Must get on…

Tony Earnshaw

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