Let the wildflowers grow
After a week of much activity I was struck by the beauty of a few wild flowers growing on a verge. It made me think about all I’ve been doing this week. It’s a long list which includes a trip to Bristol for a meeting of Terrestrial, the arts company I’m involved with; a meeting of production company Damn Cheek; discussions with Brooklands Radio and Bradford’s Telegraph and Argus about my book; pension scheme negotiations with my trustee hat on; preparations for a concert this weekend; and much more.
All this is good, positive, activity but does it leave time to let the wild flowers grow? As a writer my most productive time this week was when I was sitting on the train to London for the Damn Cheek meeting. Several poems drafted out. Wild flowers that were allowed to grow because I was unable to get on with being busy.
So what am I going to do with this insight? Try, not for the first time, to build in ‘wild flower’ time into my day. In the process become a little more productive. And remember to chill a little – there’s a verse in the Bible, which I’m sure at least one of the characters in Blessed Assurance would quote at this point – ‘Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin, yet even King Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed like one of these’. Perhaps I’ll leave it there.
Blessed Assurance is available on https://amzn.to/2Hsktu8