Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again
I spent much of December in wonderful colonial style villa on St Lucia’s Cap Estate. Called Manderley because the first owner was a Du Maurier fan, it provided a great base for a couple of weeks escape – our first visit to the island despite having family there. What struck me this morning as I prepared to get properly back into the world of work was how much of the last few weeks I’ve spent disconnected from world events, the markets and other day to day considerations – and how the world has survived anyway! Wifi was sporadic on the island, I couldn’t check the markets on a regular basis, David Cameron was busy vetoing European proposals, all sorts of other things were going on but I was happy in a protective bubble of sunshine, sea, family and rum punch – and when I got back there was only time for quick catch ups on a couple of essential matters before everything stopped for Christmas.
The lesson I draw from this is to worry less and relax. Not original but I need reminding. I started this morning with a list of tasks to work through, some of them more important than others but none of them dependent on the anxieties I often carry round with me. I’ve been pretty effective this year so far without getting bogged down. I wonder if i can keep it up?