Day Three

This social distancing business is more time consuming than you’d think. After the fine plans of all the activity in the free time, just organising it seems to fill the day. Probably this is because we’re both in self isolation, having gone down with something which may or may not be Covid19. We’ll probably never know. However, health is slowly improving and my version of it hasn’t been bad enough to stop me walking the dog and so on.
The image above is the tree I see from my study window. A constant in normal times and in these. A venerable oak, unaffected by our concerns. Yesterday it looked on, unconcerned, as I discussed theatre issues, cancellations, and on line options to replace meetings; as we tested a skype approach to Poetry Stanzas, and as I exchanged news and wishes with friends and family. I’ll be watching in turn as the leaves come and we move towards summer, even if we’re still constrained by events.
Today’s tasks include agreeing time lines for our Mystery Play, protocols for the Skype Poetry meeting, and maybe a bit of writing. And walking the dog of course. More anon.