Christmas ’round robins’


Digging through Christmas cards received, I came across this. Not sure who it’s from…


‘December again, greetings all from the Smith family, who have achieved much this year. Jamie continues his studies to much acclaim and is confident of a great career. Penny carries all before her at the tennis club, passed 6 A levels and saved several whales, while Hugo goes from strength to strength in business, captaining the golf club and all that that entails.


For myself, little has changed, the usual prizes at the village show, taking the lead in ‘Les Mis’ and so on; well, you know.


And Gordon? Not much news from him, relations could be better; he’s in a strop since I forgot to mention him in last year’s letter.


For holidays this year we went to rural Spain; Hugo couldn’t face a trip to Tuscany again. We ski’d of course, at Cour Cheval, Jamie came and brought a pal, to whom he seems quite close. A charming boy and, though there are not many who fail to fancy Penny, he seemed immune. Still, he and Jamie were very much in tune.


In February we acquired a lodger, a friend of Penny’s, name of Roger, very keen on helping her revise. Kept her at it all hours; she praised him to the skies.


A big birthday for Hugo this year, a huge party, all very excited; so sorry if you couldn’t come (or, even, weren’t invited).


Grand’pa’s joined us now, we’ve put him in the annexe, with TV and a microwave and a cat called Alex. It works quite well and often now, to alleviate the boredom, he’ll sit and talk and reminisce and play some chess with Gordon – who’s still not managed to do much to capture our attention so should be pleased with this at least (this is his second mention – two up on last year, let’s be quite clear).


Christmas comes round once again, hence this letter. A good year for us, none better. That’s all I have to tell. Hope the new year finds you well


The Smith family’

Tony Earnshaw

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