A day for hope

It’s Easter Sunday and the message of resurrection will be proclaimed from pulpits all over the land – to empty churches with the services beamed into living rooms. Just one example of the changes in our national life over the last few weeks. Whatever our beliefs, faiths or traditions I’m sure we’re all looking for new life after this crisis is over – and hoping for some lessons learnt.
The screening of church services can be very effective. as can the screening of other events – I’ve been enjoying National Theatre shows on YouTube and at Damn Cheek we’re about to run a series of plays in development on Zoom. Will all this stop when the crisis is over? Not entirely I suspect, although it will be good to get back to actually seeing friends and family, going to the theatre, and all the other activities which are currently on hold.
I was moved to pen a few lines when my local church started screening services, and these are reproduced below.
Covid 19 and the church
Live streamed, dog collared, smile wreathed.
Clear diction, warm tones, reassurance.
In the church a necessary few –
preacher and celebrant, organist and reader,
a smattering of singers and the leader of prayers.
The collect for today finds
its bandwidthed way
to laptops and PCs,
smart phones and tablets,
unlike the ones that Moses brought
from Sinai in today’s lesson
and hopefully avoiding the same fate.
A congregation who can’t congregate,
establish connection and community,
contagion free,
a virtual communion of the faithful.