Posts by Tony Earnshaw

God’s Own Country

Obviously I’m talking about Yorkshire, more specifically the Yorkshire Dales. I’ve just walked the Dales Way from Ilkley to Bowness,...

Brides and prejudice

I sat in on a rehearsal of my new play, Stabat Mater, on Sunday. The title has its fans and...

Colour Beginnings – a moving combination

Colour Beginnings – a moving combination

One of the most moving and original jazz gigs I can recall last night at the Watermill Jazz Club. Tim...

Scapegoats and reality

Scapegoats and reality

It’s difficult to feel too much sympathy for Stephen Hester and Fred Goodwin but I have to admit to some....

Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again

Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again

I spent much of December in wonderful colonial style villa on St Lucia’s Cap Estate. Called Manderley because the first...

We’re not the 99%, we’re the top 10%

We’re not the 99%, we’re the top 10%

I was struck by the focus on relative wealth which seems to be all pervasive. Rich lists, executive pay, bankers...

An alien in New York

An alien in New York

Okay, it’s a hackneyed phrase but that’s what I am. A visitor, after a break of perhaps 4 years, to...

Black Friday – no time for the blues

Black Friday – no time for the blues

It’s Black Friday in New York, traditionally the day on which the retailers go into the black and the trading...

Lessons in song

Lessons in song

We went to a Ball on Friday, a fund raiser, and listening to my friend Scholastica speak, I was reminded...

I’ve visited New York many times and will be pleased to go back but this time there’s an extra buzz...

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