Blessed Assurance – another novel extract
Photo courtesy of Tim Green Flickr Introducing Anne… “Anne Your average vicar. Black leather shoes, grey trousers (with cycle...
Photo courtesy of Tim Green Flickr Introducing Anne… “Anne Your average vicar. Black leather shoes, grey trousers (with cycle...
Photo courtesy of Tim Green: The first of an occasional selection from the forthcoming novel… “Tom I’d like to... Purveyors of hatred The purveyors of hatred seem to be a feature of modern life. Maybe it was...
photo: AudreyH License: CC, Flickr A musical week – from Puccini to Cole Porter Puccini’s ‘Messa di Gloria’ must be...
Music, friends, beer, barn… I spent an evening last week with friends at a private gig by Assembly Lane, an...
It’s not just about writing It seems obvious now but one of the things I wasn’t expecting when I took...
Inspiration? I’m not sure whether it’s a good idea to write this. The idea of a weekly blog giving you the...
New York I’ve spent a lot of time in the States. New York, Chicago and Stamford, Connecticut were all regular...
We all do it, all the time, ask for feedback. What we don’t necessarily do is mean what we say....
Music – aspirin for the soul? They say people of a certain age should take an aspirin a day to...
2 years ago
A very special evening | Damn Cheek
Executive Director Tony Earnshaw muses on the inspiring warmth, enthusiasm and ideas for new community theatre from Damn Cheek's recent audience in Dorking.2 years ago
3 years ago
Thoughts on a train I starting roughing this poem out a few weeks ago on a trip to London but with rail disputes and more on the horizon this felt a good time to dust it off and share it Mind the gap ...3 years ago
Ancient Wisdom for New Times - Tony Earnshaw
I wrote this blog for the Damn Cheek website and it can be seen there but I wanted to also include it on my own site and so, here it is. The image above is the image for the show, created by designer ...3 years ago
Buds, Bonnets and Beginnings - Tony Earnshaw
It’s easy to be downcast at the moment. The news is dire. Death, famine, war and conquest – the four horsemen of old all riding the earth. Nothing new in that, upsetting as it may be, but the suff...Copyright 2021 Earnshaw Plays
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